"AI" TBQ Bioresonance for Life

Transforming your health care

with the gENiO SAPIENS system

TBQ is now also "OHRUS: Cutting-edge Masters in Health, AI, IE and Global Economy for your well-being and professional success."

Golden card

Tarjetas y colgantes Quantum-Vital

para el Rejuvenecimiento y la Belleza

Portable High Frequency Bioresonance Devices

This innovative card contains more than 100 smart codes, already activated, designed for a pre-selected purpose, improving the emotional, physical and hormonal state of women and men. With a double NFC system and Hi-Co 4K, it is the most powerful and versatile card as it can record the therapy even from a distance.

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  • Exclusive card for TBQ members

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¿Qué son los códigos de Biorresonancia de Alta Frecuencia Cuántica?

Los códigos de biorresonancia de alta frecuencia cuántica utilizan frecuencias naturales avanzadas que estimulan las células del cuerpo de manera no invasiva. A diferencia de otros métodos, esta tecnología no requiere contacto directo, es indolora y libre de efectos secundarios

¿Cómo Funcionan los códigos pregrabados?

Los códigos funcionan bajo el principio de resonancia molecular, actuando como un lenguaje que se comunica directamente con tus células. A través de tecnología NFC (Near Field Communication), estos códigos son emitidos, recordando a tus células cómo deben operar para optimizar sus funciones y rejuvenecer.

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Key Benefits

  1. Cellular rebalancing: Constant microimpulses reprogram cells, improving their quantum resonance.
  2. Natural restoration:
  3. Optimizes the quantum field and promotes physical, emotional and hormonal balance.
  4. With dual Hi-Co and NFC system:
  5. NFC allows up to 100 algorithmic frequencies to be encoded in a fixed, protected manner for a duration of up to 10 years.
  6. The High Coercivity or Hi-Co system
  7. with 4 kilobytes that allows you to record and re-record each therapy session on the band located on the back. cell regeneration, improving the texture and appearance of the skin.
  8. Non-invasive and safe
  9. : Without the need for invasive or painful procedures, and without side effects.

¿Por Qué Elegir Nuestros Dispositivos?

Nuestros dispositivos, desarrollados tras años de investigación en Biorresonancia regenerativa y física cuántica, ofrecen una solución práctica y efectiva para el rejuvenecimiento en la comodidad de tu hogar. Con tecnología avanzada y un enfoque centrado en las necesidades del cuerpo, establecen un nuevo estándar en el cuidado de la belleza y la salud.

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Our card is programmed with a range of 100 frequencies aimed at enhancing rejuvenation:

  • Protection: Anti Electromagnetic disturbances responsible for part of oxidative stress.
  • Emotions:
  • Of optimism, happiness, confidence, perseverance, courage, enthusiasm, joy, etc.
  • Defined Purpose:
  • Hormonal, tissue, metabolic and much more.

  • Get the treatment you need to perform at your best.

    Boost your performance with our card!

Join the Integral Health Revolution

Discover the magic of high-frequency quantum bioresonance and the Hi-Co 4K dual system that transforms your life! Revitalize and renew your life with technology that really works. Because you deserve to look and feel healthy.

¡GET YOUR BIORESONANT CARD NOW! and regain a good appearance with charisma and friendliness that others will like. If you add to that the experience you already have to enjoy your life better, imagine the result!

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