Transforming your health care
with the gENiO SAPIENS system
TBQ is now also "OHRUS: Cutting-edge Masters in Health, AI, IE and Global Economy for your well-being and professional success."
Advantages of opting for remote therapy:
Remote TBQ therapy is based on the principle of quantum entanglement, which establishes that two particles that have shared the same state in the universe, when separated at any distance, what happens to one will immediately affect the other, regardless of speed, time or distance.
From the perspective of TBQ gENiO SAPIENS Bioresonance therapy, the system is able to generate an algorithmic code with the person's information, which will function as a double of the patient. In this way, an entanglement will be established and an energetic dialogue will be initiated between the system and the energy of the person being treated, allowing the system to diagnose and correct the organism's information remotely.
For this reason, the TBQ gENiO SAPIENS system can treat anyone anywhere in the universe, regardless of time or distance.
Distance therapy made sense from the moment Einstein He met with a team of scientists to propose a mental exercise in 1935, and to discredit quantum physics, which had been causing controversy since 1930, as it presented theoretical postulates that seemed absurd, especially at a time when technology was mechanical and subject to Newtonian laws.
SAPIENS utiliza una interfaz para detectar la información del paciente y la convierte en códigos comprensibles para el terapeuta. El cerebro del paciente también actúa como interfaz, enviando y recibiendo información. Los códigos son exclusivos de cada paciente. Es como si el cerebro y la interfaz del ordenador se comunicaran por teléfono, en un lenguaje comprensible entre ambos. El terapeuta puede corregir y armonizar la información desordenada en el cuerpo del paciente, lo que puede prevenir enfermedades o trastornos.