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Candidiasis Vaginal

La microbiota vaginal está formada principalmente por Lactobacillus crispatus, L. jensenii y L. gasser

...are a barrier that protects the mucosa against the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms through Specific adhesion to the epithelium that blocks the establishment of pathogenic germs, the production of antimicrobial compounds and coaggregation with pathogens, to enhance the microbicidal effect.

However, sometimes the vaginal microbiota is suppressed by undesirable germs, which are associated with the appearance of: bacterial vaginosis, Candida spp. vaginitis, trichomoniasis and lower urinary tract infections.

En muy raras ocasiones, los lactobacilos causan problemas, generalmente en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Las condiciones dominantes son la bacteriemia (alrededor del 50% de los casos) y la endocarditis (30%). Sin embargo, no se ha descrito la enfermedad genital por lactobacilos. El efecto de los lactobacilos sugiere que su instilación como tratamiento podría regenerar el ecosistema vaginal, eliminando las recurrencias asociadas al tratamiento de infecciones.

Women who suffer from chronic vaginal candidiasis or systemic candidiasis tend to have anemia, thinness, fatigue, nervousness, fear, and low self-esteem.

Candida is a fungus...

...that lives almost everywhere in the body, mainly in the mouth, intestine and vagina, although it can infect the skin and mucous membranes. Good hygiene and dietary habits and a healthy immune system prevent its proliferation and the appearance of candidiasis.

Being a systemic fungus, that is, it can be found in different parts of the body. It does not need oxygen to live, on the contrary, heat, humidity and darkness are suitable environments for its proliferation.

Can candidiasis cause fatigue?

People who suffer from candidiasis tend to feel tired, since, by invading the body, in order to survive, it prevents adequate oxygenation, thus preventing the body's cells from having enough energy.

Since the immune system is the balancer of Candida, when a person goes through a major emotional or hormonal process, self-esteem can drop and the immune system can become depressed, so there is a relationship between immunity and Candida.

¿La cándida puede dar paso a otros hongos?

Candida can give way to other fungi or other types of Candida in other parts of the body, such as "candidal intertrigo", which occurs on moist, macerated skin due to continuous friction that encourages it to nest in these areas, such as large folds, the intergluteal folds, in the groin, armpits, under the breasts, in the abdominal folds in obese people, in small folds such as between the fingers and toes, in newborns there is "diaper rash".

Los síntomas iniciales de intertrigo candidiásico incluyen picazón y pústulas que se agrandan hasta romperse, dejando una piel rojo y brillante en ambos lados del pliegue. El fondo del pliegue suele estar fisurado y toda la lesión produce una sensación de calor.

Is vaginal yeast infection very common?

La mayoría de las mujeres contraerá una candidiasis vaginal en algún momento de sus vidas. 

La candidiasis vaginal no es difícil de tratar, los síntomas de la candidiasis vaginal son similares a los de otras infecciones vaginales y de transmisión sexual (ITS), por eso es necesario diferenciarla con otras infecciones más graves que no sea candidiasis, ya que puede complicar el tratamiento y crear otros problemas más graves.

What are the symptoms of CV?

  • It causes itching, burning, swelling and redness in the vulva and the area surrounding the vagina.
  • Pain when urinating
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Thick, whitish vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese but does not smell bad.
  • At first, only some of these symptoms may appear in a mild or severe form.

What are the causes of risk?

 Son: El embarazo, diabetes, anticonceptivos con altas dosis de estrógenos, el uso de duchas o aerosoles vaginales, haber tomado antibióticos o cortisona, debilidad inmune y la presencia de VIH.

Tres de cada cuatro mujeres contraerán una candidiasis vaginal en algún momento de sus vidas. Casi la mitad de las mujeres tiene dos infecciones o más. Es rara la presencia de la candidiasis vaginal antes de la pubertad y después de la menopausia.

How is CV diagnosed?

Se puede diagnosticar a través de un examen pélvico para detectar hinchazón y secreción.

Con un hisopo de algodón se puede hacer una muestra de flujo  vaginal.

El laboratorio examinará las muestra con un microscopio para ver si hay un crecimiento elevado de la cándida.

¿Cuáles es el tratamiento de la CV?

Acute symptoms are treated with antifungal medications. However, it is important to ensure that there is vaginal candidiasis and not another type of infection.

Treatment should also be given to the partner if the woman has acquired CV and is having sexual relations.

Prevention requires hygiene, use of probiotics to prevent cross infection, nutrients to improve the immune system, outdoor sports and reducing stress.

Can CV be a recurrent infection?

Si la pareja es hombre, el riesgo de infección es bajo. Un 15 % de hombres siente picazón en el pene si han tenido relaciones sexuales sin protección con una mujer que tiene candidiasis vaginal.

Sin embargo, es necesario asearse previamente antes de tener relaciones.

Los hombres que no han sido circuncidados y los que padecen diabetes corren un riesgo mayor.

Si la pareja es mujer, puede estar en riesgo. Debería ser examinada y tratarse si presenta cualquier síntoma.

 Si la candidiasis vagibal no se trata de una ITS y la VB pueden elevar tu riesgo de contraer otras ITS, incluso VIH, puede generar problemas para quedarse embarazada. La VB también puede ocasionar problemas durante el embarazo, como por ejemplo, un parto prematuro.

What measures are there to prevent CV?

  • No usar duchas vaginales, alteran la microbiota vaginal.
  • No usar productos femeninos perfumados, baños de burbujas, aerosoles, toallitas y tampones.
  • Cambio frecuentes de tampones, toallitas o protectores , etc.
  • No usar pantimedias, pantalones o jeans ajustados, aumentan el calor y la humedad genital.
  • Usar ropa interior con entrepierna de algodón, ayuda a mantenerse seca.
  • Quitarse el traje de baño mojado y la ropa deportiva lo más pronto posible.
  • Después de usar el wc, siempre limpiarse de adelante hacia atrás.
  • Evite jacuzzis y baños calientes.
  • Controle los niveles de azúcar si es diabética.

¿El yogurt trata o previene la CV?

Es probable. Algunos estudios sugieren que consumir ocho onzas de yogur con "cultivos vivos" a diario o tomar cápsulas de Lactobacillus acidophilus puede ayudar a prevenir la infección.

Pero aún se deben realizar más investigaciones para asegurar que el yogur con Lactobacillus u otros probióticos pueden prevenir o tratar la candidiasis vaginal.

¿Qué hacer en caso de CV recurrente?

If you get four or more yeast infections in a year, see your doctor or therapist.

About 5% of women get a vaginal yeast infection four or more times a year. This is called recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVC).

CVVR is more common in women with diabetes or weak immune systems, such as in HIV, but can also occur in healthy women.

Doctors usually treat CVVR with antifungal medications for up to six months.

¿Se puede contraer candidiasis por amamantar?

Sí, puede desarrollarse en pezones o en los senos (comúnmente denominada "candidiasis bucal") por amamantar. La candidiasis prolifera en la leche y la humedad. La candidiasis por amamantar es diferente a una CV. Sin embargo, es causada por un aumento elevado del mismo hongo.

Los síntomas de candidiasis bucal en la lactancia materna son:

  • Irritación en los pezones que dura más que unos pocos días, en especial después de varias semanas de amamantar sin dolor
  • Pezones con escamas, brillo, picazón o grietas
  • Pezones con ampollas o de color rosa intenso
  • Pecho adolorido
  • Dolor punzante en el pecho durante o después de amamantar

Si tienes alguno de estos signos o síntomas, o si piensas que tu bebé puede llegar a tener candidiasis bucal en su boca, comunícate con tu médico. 

Other types of Candidiasis

Onyxis and perionyxis candidiasis

It is a Candida infection of the nail and its insertions, common in people who have wet hands due to their occupation (for example, washerwomen). It begins with inflammation of the nail insertion with pain, redness and swelling, which is painful when pressed. You may see pus oozing from the insert. The nail may subsequently become affected, causing loss of color and changes in its shape.

Mouth thrush - oral candidiasis

Oral candidiasis is the most common Candida infection, and occurs most frequently in infants and people with immune system disorders. It forms whitish plaques that cover the oral mucosa like a membrane; when they peel off, they leave a red, bleeding surface. It may cause no symptoms or it may cause itching and even pain that increases when eating.

Atrophic oral candidiasis

It is rare and occurs more in older people. It is characterized by areas of destruction of the oral mucosa that are reddish in color.

Angular cheilitis

Inflammation of the corners of the mouth, almost always both at the same time. The corners become fissured and a very red area with vesicles that break and itch appears around them. This type of lesion also appears in vitamin B deficiencies, dentures poorly placed and excessive salivation.

Candida balanitis

In men, Candida can cause infection of the glans and foreskin of the penis. It begins with small vesicles and pustules that cause itching and burning; they gradually break and appear as more or less extensive irritating lesions (limited to the glans or even on the penis). (groin and scrotum). Normally, balanitis caused by Candida in a healthy man with good hygiene should not last more than three to five days; if it lasts longer, the patient is suspected to have diabetes, immune system disorders, or is undergoing treatment. with antibiotics. If the episodes of candidal balanitis are repeated and brief, the sexual partner is likely to remain infected, even if he or she does not have symptoms.

Esophageal candidiasis

The involvement of the esophagus causes inflammation of the esophagus, which causes difficulty swallowing, a burning sensation and chest pain, which can be confused with a heart attack. In children, the esophagus is often affected by the spread of oral candidiasis. , and in adults we can find this infection in cases of AIDS, antibiotic treatment, diabetes, cancer, chronic treatment with omeprazole, etc.

Candida gastritis

Stomach involvement is rare, only occurring in very advanced cases of blood-borne infections, although it is more common in patients with gastric ulcer. It is possible that the use of omeprazole and other acid secretion inhibitors may promote colonization. of Candida.

Candida enteritis

Intestinal infection is often associated with antibiotic treatment in young children, but it occurs very rarely. Abdominal pain, frequent, liquid stools of light brown or yellow color, sometimes with blood threads, appear. Its main complication is dehydration. due to diarrhea, and early diagnosis is not easy.

Anal candidiasis.

The anus becomes irritated and itchy, its external surface erodes causing itching, and the infection often spreads and causes cutaneous intertrigo.

Laryngitis due to candidiasis

It is usually secondary to oral candidiasis and causes hoarseness. In an otorhinolaryngological examination, such as fibroscopy, the typical whitish plaques of candidiasis can be seen. Occasionally, the bronchi may be affected, causing frequent coughing, fever and bloody expectoration.

Candidiasis in the excretory system

The presence of Candida in urine is usually seen in hospitalized patients with catheters, diabetics, and those treated with antibiotics. There may be no symptoms or cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, with fever and itching when urinating, may appear. A urine test for Candida does not definitively indicate infection, as it occurs in many healthy people.

Candida endocarditis

When Candida enters the bloodstream, it reaches the heart valves and can invade them, forming large vegetations. This type of infection (Candida endocarditis) is more common in patients with infected catheters, and also in users of heroin or other intravenous drugs. especially if the drug is adulterated or diluted in lemon juice, since Candida nests in that citrus fruit. Candida vegetations on the heart valves can dislodge infected emboli, which travel through the large arteries until they occlude the smaller arteries. , which causes heart attacks.

Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis

This disease has been linked to different endocrinological diseases (hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, hypocorticoadrenalism...) and immunological diseases (agammaglobulinemia, Di George syndrome). It usually begins in childhood with oral candidiasis that persists after adequate treatment; later, the Skin, nails, hair and mucous membranes are often affected. The disease evolves over time towards the formation of deforming granulomas, with real "balls" appearing on the fingers, for example. Permanent hair loss and narrowing of the esophagus are also are common. Patients live for many years and often die from secondary bacterial infections.

Invasive candidiasis

This defines the way in which the fungus reaches the bloodstream, causing a generalized infection and being able to settle in different organs of the body. This situation is called candidemia, and is the most serious manifestation of the infection, causing high mortality.

It usually originates from the infection of catheters inserted in hospitalized people with some type of alteration in their immune system, which can cause infections of vital organs.

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