Transforming your health care
with the gENiO SAPIENS system
¿Tienes asma, alergias, dermatitis, fatiga, cansancio crónico, poca apetencia sexual, impotencia, infertilidad, dolores de cabeza, obesidad, alteraciones gástricas, mala memoria, sangrado en las encías?
No es genético, ni tampoco naciste con algún defecto, tú problema y el de tus hijos es la ingente cantidad de tóxicos que consumimos.
Última revisión 7 mayo 2023
“Las advertencias sobre la contaminación de los alimentos son una realidad preocupante. Es triste pensar que algunas empresas de alimentos industrializados se aprovechan de los vacíos legales para no cumplir con las leyes sanitarias y, en algunos casos, ignorar los riesgos para la salud. Esta falta de ética alimentaria está causando graves daños a la sociedad. Las empresas deben asumir su responsabilidad y proteger la salud de los consumidores, la falta de atención a este tema es sumamente alarmante para la salud.
Algunos alimentos industrializados contienen conservantes peligrosos que el cuerpo no puede eliminar fácilmente. El refinamiento de algunos alimentos, que antes era la única forma de satisfacer las demandas nutricionales de la población, es un problema que se arrastra desde hace muchos años. Enfermedades como alergias, intolerancias, fatiga crónica, Alzheimer, cáncer, depresión, desnutrición, anemia e inapetencia sexual son solo algunas de las patologías que los médicos van incrementando cada día en sus consultas.
Lamentablemente, como esto no es muy obvio y notorio, se pasa por alto en las consultas médicas y en los cuidados que deben tener las personas en su día a día.
En cambio, acudir al médico cuando se presenta una de estas enfermedades lo único que asegura es que te veas obligado a tomar medicamentos, que en su mayoría sobrecargan el organismo con más sustancias químicas muy difíciles de eliminar, complicando otros problemas. y con los posibles efectos secundarios.
Además, la contaminación de los
cosméticos, el agua, el aire y los materiales plásticos que utilizamos en nuestros hogares, así como las radiaciones electromagnéticas, tienen un impacto negativo en nuestra salud y el medio ambiente, por lo que cualquier pequeña medida para eliminar los contaminantes de nuestra vida será de gran ayuda para nuestro organismo y recuperar nuestra salud.
Para evitar y reducir los contaminantes en nuestro organismo, debemos aprender a leer las etiquetas de los alimentos procesados y elegir aquellos que no contienen contaminantes. La industria alimentaria debe velar por la calidad de sus productos, pero siempre es recomendable cuestionar su veracidad e investigar para estar seguros de que los productos que consumimos son seguros.
Lo más triste de todo es que se le da poca importancia a esto, hay muchos médicos, terapeutas y YouTubers que hablan a la ligera de los alimentos que debemos consumir, incluyendo frutas, verduras y proteína animal sin advertir sobre los peligros ocultos que tienen. y que, a pesar de su buena intención de ayudar, no se dan cuenta de que están poniendo en peligro la salud de las personas.
No solo tenemos que ver las etiquetas de los productos que consumimos, sino que también tenemos que consultar sobre el origen de estos y utilizar programas de verificación que nos puedan dar ciertas pistas para evitar más peligros.
La industria alimentaria, auspiciada y protegida por organismos sanitarios de todo el mundo, está autorizando el uso de insectos como conservantes e incluyéndose en distintos alimentos, lo que está provocando importantes problemas de salud a mediano y largo plazo, como el caso de algunas nuevas enfermedades raras desconocidas que se están presentando en todas las edades.
Until now, many preservatives seemingly "harmless" have been overused without sufficient research into their adverse effects.
Studies reveal its probable safety in a certain percentage and in isolation.
There are no studies that reveal its toxicity when mixing different preservatives, colorants,
The food industry
justifies the use of insects
under the pretext that
There will not be enough food by 2050
, when a study published in 2021 mentions that in one year
931 million tons of food are wasted
Of which 17% comes from households, the remainder is attributed to restaurants and other food services (244 million tonnes) and retail trade (118 million tonnes). Globally, per capita, 121 kilograms of food are wasted at the consumer level each year, and 74 kilograms of that amount is wasted in households.
So is there any justification for using other food substitutes to reduce food shortages, such as insects?
It is said that this practice is safe, when for a long time the food industry, ensuring the quality of its products, has put supposed scientists interested in looking after the interests of those who pay them to provide truthful evidence on food safety, a situation that casts doubt on the veracity of his reports.
For example, the Official State Gazette (BOE), “Authorizes the marketing of frozen larvae of Alphitobius diaperinus ( dung beetle ), in the form of paste, dehydrated and powdered, as a new food", this is added to Acheta domesticus ( house cricket ) and the larvae of Tenebrio molitor ( mealworm ), which are currently found in powdered or dehydrated foods.
The Mealworm larvae will be available "whole, as a snack" and dung beetles "in frozen, paste, dehydrated and powdered form."
But the cricket can be found in Multigrain breads and rolls, biscuits, cereal bars, filled and unfilled pasta, sauces, processed potato products, legume and vegetable dishes, pizza, meat substitutes, soups and soup concentrates or powders, corn flour-based snacks, beer-like beverages, chocolate items, and nuts and oilseeds , among other foods.
How can we know which foods contain them? One clue may be the Authority's statement that the consumption of mealworm larvae, house crickets and dungworm larvae is not harmful to humans. "They can cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic to crustaceans, mollusks and dust mites."
He also points out that "other allergens could end up in the new food if they are present in the substrate with which the insects are fed." Therefore, it is advisable that new food products "be appropriately labelled."
What happens if you take medication with energy drinks?
In short, your shopping basket will contain insects if the labels of food products say the following:
Partially defatted powder of Acheta domesticus
(house cricket)", "
Tenebrio molito larvae
"dried mealworm"
larvae of Alphitobius diaperinus
(dung beetle) frozen/paste" or "
larvae of Alphitobius diaperinus
(dung beetle) dried/powdered".
In 2021, the dried version of the Tenebrio molitor larva, the yellow mealworm, was also authorized; the same year, three forms of migratory locust were launched on the market: frozen, dried or powdered; in February 2022, the marketing of the frozen, dried and powdered yellow mealworm was authorized; the same month, dried and powdered house cricket was authorized and the last, in January 2023, were the larvae of the dung beetle, both frozen, as a paste, dried and powdered. In addition, companies that want authorization to market their products with insects offer different forms of various larvae, crickets and migratory locusts.
The European Union is studying eight applications for insect-based foods in different forms, in addition to the five that have been approved in recent years. The applications are being assessed by the European Food Safety Authority, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kiriakides said in response to a written question from MEP Nicola Procaccini.
This is without counting the large amount of everyday preservatives that are already added to foods.
We understand that life without time to take care of ourselves forces us to not be able to prepare our own food and to have to eat whatever we can to continue working.
However, we must find a way to have healthy foods as much as possible.
Now I ask you, have you noticed that there are more and more allergies with unknown causes?
Of the known ones, toxicity is known, as is the case of Aluminum, the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust, along with silica and oxygen.
It affects memory and is a probable cause of Alzheimer's. In high concentrations it causes nausea, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting and skin ulcers, among others.
It is located in the
pans, deodorants, in vegetables such as; Potatoes, spinach or teas,
These are products that contain high levels of natural aluminium. Sodium aluminium acid phosphate is used in prepared flours, baked goods, frozen foods and the like. Some of these products contain the highest amounts: up to 180 milligrams of aluminium per serving, warn American researchers.
The authors, SM Saiyed and RA Yokel from the University of Kentucky (USA), say that many products contain significantly more aluminium than the consumption figures given in many studies, which range from 3 to 12 milligrams per day. For example, they explain that, The cheese in a slice of frozen pizza contains up to 14 milligrams of aluminum (from the additive sodium aluminum phosphate), while in a restaurant the cheese in a slice of pizza has 0.03-0.09 milligrams of aluminum.
There may be cases of higher consumption, the WHO warned, in people who regularly take antacids and painkillers containing this compound, which can increase aluminum intake by up to five grams per day.
Aluminum cookware, although experts warn that it is in insoluble form and the amount that would be contributed is too small to cause problems always and when not cooking foods such as tomatoes or rhubarb , with acids that dissolve the surface layer of metal oxide.
He Tap water provides 4% of total aluminium intake. The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) says the safe level is seven milligrams per kilogram, equivalent to 60 milligrams per day for a 60-kilogram person.
As you can see, this is an important topic and this is a small sample of the amount of toxins to which we are exposed and which not only make our bodies sick, they age our cells, our brain and make us lose health in different ways.
I will continue to expand on this topic and the possible solutions that can be provided to resolve this type of danger.
Please share this article which I believe is of utmost importance.