Transforming your health care
with the gENiO SAPIENS system
“Unfortunately, there is still a great lack of awareness about the importance of taking care of our health, and it seems that it is not given any importance; staying up late, eating junk food, drinking, smoking or ingesting any substance, is the way in which many young people experiment without measuring the consequences and, often, as we get older, our interests focus on work, interpersonal relationships and economic aspects.
It is common that, when reaching forty, health takes a backseat and the only thing people worry about is alleviating symptoms with medication.
At fifty, the body begins to show signs of wear and tear and many people will increase their medication intake, not taking into account that a detox may be the key to improving their well-being.
After age sixty, it is very difficult to reverse many health problems, so it is essential to start taking care of yourself from a young age.
Fortunately, there are many things we can do to help our body function optimally for our age and, in fact, even rejuvenate ourselves a few years younger. It all starts with DETOX, it is the first fundamental step to take care of our long-term health and well-being.”
It is not a simple matter, in fact it is very complex because it requires a lot of help and willpower on our part. That is why I recommend different treatments.
A combination of natural mechanical, dietary, phytodepurative and Quantum Bioresonance treatments will quickly put us in optimal condition.
Toxins are found not only in food, but also in water and air, although the first two are the means by which the most dangerous toxins enter.
Xenobiotics are found in the cosmetics we use daily: gels, soaps, shampoos, creams, conditioners, rinses, toothpastes, mouthwashes, hair dyes, makeup, etc.
Many toxins are found in clothing, plastics, footwear, furniture, etc.
Electrosmog or electromagnetic disturbances are above all one of the most dangerous and least taken into account.
The most common symptoms:
El programa de Biorresonancia más completo.
Puede trabaja por órganos y sistemas.
El sistema gENiO SAPIENS es una herramienta sumamente efectiva para regular el pH del cuerpo y contribuir a la eliminación de toxinas dañinas. En ocasiones, el cuerpo humano puede tener dificultades para identificar qué sustancias tóxicas deben ser eliminadas, debido a que la información relacionada con ellas puede estar vinculada a factores emocionales, adicciones o bien, por haber estado en el organismo por largo tiempo, el cuerpo las ha asumido como propias aunque están causando alguna patología.
En este sentido, el sistema gENiO SAPIENS juega un papel fundamental al detectar y seleccionar de manera precisa las toxinas que deben ser eliminadas, permitiendo así que el cuerpo recupere su equilibrio y funcione de manera óptima. Gracias a su capacidad para identificar los desequilibrios del pH y los tóxicos que pueden estar desarrollados en el organismo, el sistema gENiO SAPIENS se presenta como una alternativa innovadora y efectiva para mejorar la salud y el bienestar.
As you can see, gENiO SAPIENS is an extremely powerful system that helps regulate the body's pH and identify and eliminate harmful toxins that may be detrimental to our health. Often, the human body does not know how to handle these toxic agents on its own, as the information that identifies them may be related to emotional situations, addictions, or even toxins that have been in our body for a long time and that the body has assumed as part of its normal functioning, even if they are causing pathologies.
With gENiO SAPIENS, you can trust that your body will receive the help it needs to identify and eliminate harmful toxins, which can have a significant impact on your overall health and well-being. It is a system that can be especially helpful for those people who have struggled with chronic health problems and have not found an effective solution. In short, Genio Sapiens is a valuable tool to help us keep our body healthy and balanced.
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