"AI" TBQ Bioresonance for Life

Transforming your health care

with the gENiO SAPIENS system


Forma en que la epigenética condiciona a nuestro ADN

Avances en la Neurociencia

Although it was known that epigenetics, that is, the environment in which we move, as well as everything that makes up our emotional and physical lifestyle, transforms our DNA, there were not enough studies to confirm this claim, however, currently geneticists and neuroscientists have carried out several experiments and have realized that both the plasticity of the brain and the genes of the DNA are modified depending on the epigenetics of where we live.

Current technologies are allowing us to better understand how the brain works and how it changes when we change our habits and behaviors.

Today we know that there are neurons that disappear, but at the same time others create new branches in the neural network, depending on the activities we carry out.
  • Not only does it change the brain, but also the DNA of our cells.

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Activities such as meditation, Tai Chi or Yoga, bring about great and very positive changes.

Changing habits through a healthy diet adapted to our age, positive emotional changes, travelling or engaging in creative activities, etc., greatly improves the quality of life.

Keeping our brain active and exercised is part of what we need to create new neural branches.
¿Por qué suceden esos cambios?

Nosotros percibimos la realidad a través de nuestros sentidos (vista, olfato, gusto, oído, tacto), cada uno de estos tiene receptores que reciben la información  y la envían a nuestro cerebro en forma de impulsos electromagnéticos en varios rangos de frecuencia, por lo que: sonidos, colores, formas, olores, sabores y sensaciones, llegan constantemente y a gran velocidad a nuestro cerebro, activando diferentes zonas de este. Esto es lo que permite que nos adaptemos a los diferentes entornos en los que vamos viviendo.
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Our genes have two fundamental aspects: one determines our physical appearance, such as the colour of our eyes, skin, etc., and until now they have not been able to be modified with new technologies, although ways to correct chronic diseases and certain genetic defects that are part of our code are still being studied.

The other part that is modified and changes in the DNA depends on the information we receive from the environment, which arrives through a messenger RNA that carries that information to the DNA and this gives orders to the cell through another messenger RNA. This allows that, if we make good use of that flexibility of our DNA, our quality of life improves, applying those good healthy habits.

Although the opposite also happens when we acquire or have bad habits or are exposed to negative epigenetics.

GENIUS SAPIENS and the Genes

Gentle impulses and big changes

As I have explained, changes in the brain and genes occur due to these electromagnetic pulses that we receive from our environment. gENiO SAPIENS has developed a program that, through gentle bioresonant impulses, helps both our brain and our genes to improve their functioning and quality of life.

We have noticed the most benefits with the ETERNAL REJUVENATION program, as those who are carrying out the program apply a series of changes to their habits and customs to make them healthier and more intelligent.

More about factors and benefits of rejuvenation
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