"AI" TBQ Bioresonance for Life

Transforming your health care

with the gENiO SAPIENS system

Nutriplan 1

Plan de Nutrición Perder peso

y mejorar la salud.


Es fundamental que empecemos por el primer paso:

¿Qué tipo de morfología tienes?

¿Eres hombre o mujer?

¿Qué edad tienes?

¿Desde cuando tienes ese peso?



Ectomorfo                                                               Mesomorfo                                                             Endomorfo


The fundamental thing in all cases but particularly in this one is reduce weight without losing muscle mass, especially for people who have an active life and play sports.

If you do not have the opportunity to have an active life, you should consider play sports.

Foods that you should consider in these cases that have a good protein and fat content, low-carbohydrate foods from plant sources and some fruits.

You must remove all types of Starches, sugars of any kind, no processed foods, or foods high in MSG or monosodium glutamate.


  • Vegetales no almidonadas: Hoja verde, lechuga, espinaca, acelga y col rizada: ricos en nutrientes, minerales y fibra, tiene muy pocos carbohidratos y almidones.
  • Verduras: Brócoli, coliflor, las coles de bruselas, debes tener cuidado si tienes hipotiroidismo porque tienen goitrogenos, pero son muy buenos para eliminar los xenoestrógenos y los estrógenos que ya están de desecho.
  • Frutas comer pocas: Bayas como: arándanos azules, zarzamoras, fresas, frambuesas tienen menos de azúcar, alto contenido en fibra. (Comer poca y no todo el tiempo)
  • Carnes, aves y pescados: Res, cerdo, pollo, conejo, venado, salmón, sardinas, la caballa y atún. Haz lo posible que sean alimentos de campo o pasto, o capturado del mar.
  • Huevos: de gallina evitar que sean amarillo pálidos, si puede ser que sean del número "0" estos son de campo con yema grande y color naranja.
  • Grasas y aceites: mantequillas orgánica, de coco orgánico, aceite de oliva primera presión en frío, aceites MCT o triglicéridos de cadena media, manteca de cerdo y el sebo de res (caldo de hueso) (Aquí vale la pena pagar un poco más por grasas y aceites de calidad, sobre todo porque en las grasas se concentran los pesticidas, hormonas y demás toxinas.)
  • Frutos secos: Consume poco porque tienen mucho Omega 6 (preferentemente no tostados, son bajos en carbohidratos y altas en grasas, y proteínas): Nueces de macadamia, nueces pecan, almendras, ten cuidado con las alergias.
  • Semillas: Chía, lino, calabaza, cáñamo. Para cocinarlas a fuego lento. (grasa Omega 3 ALA, fibra y proteína y bajo en carbohidratos)
  • Aguacate: Grasas naturales,  bajo en carbohidratos y bajo en proteínas.
  • Hierbas y especias: Ajo, jenjibre, curcuma, canela, clavo, cardamomo, cilantro, perejil, eneldo, romero son muy nutritivos, micronutrientes, minerales y vitaminas y propiedades medicinales.
  • Cacao: Contiene carbohidratos, se puede utilizar para irse quitando la sensación de necesidad de dulce en el cuerpo, y en épocas en las que aparece la menstruación. Si estás en dieta Keto no comerlos.
  • Bebidas: Café y té. Verde, negro o rojo. (Si estás en dieta Keto y necesitas cortarlo usa crema, no leche) Si necesitas cocinar con leche puedes utilizar leche vegetal con avena 0 azúcar, pero intenta evitarla.


  • All types of sugars: White sugar, honey, syrup, agave, fructose, brown sugar, dextrose or any sugar should be avoided. Do not consume soft drinks, sweets, desserts or processed foods.
  • Fruits eat few: Berries such as: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries They have less sugar, high fiber content. (Eat very little and not all the time), if you have insulin resistance or poor metabolic problems DO NOT eat fruits.
  • Rice: Should be eliminated from the diet Due to the large amount of starch it contains, it should only be indicated in cases of diarrhea and to improve the microbiota if it is cooked and stored at 4º below zero to create type 3 starch. But do not consume it in the regular diet.
  • Starchy vegetables:
  • Potatoes, corn, tapioca, sweet potatoes, carrots, yams, rutabagas, turnips, celery, celery root. They can only be consumed when weight has dropped and some are indicated to improve the microbiota or reduce uric acid, while you are trying to control your weight they should be removed from your diet.
  • Bread of all kinds:
  • wheat, buckwheat, gluten-free, rice, corn, etc... All types of cereals must be eliminated.
  • Alcohol: Can be used in small amounts,
  • but daily drinking and overload can affect the liver and heart. AVOID beer.
  • Ultra-processed foods
  • : They should be avoided at all costs as they are very high in sugar and calories, they have too much sugar and sugar, chemicals, flavorings and chemical toxins, burnt seed oil and hydrogenated fat, and almost no nutrients.
  • Fast food
  • : Should not be consumed. Contains sauce, potatoes and all fried foods.
  • Seed oils:
  • High in Omega 6 and has a high inflammatory level. To extract it they need a lot of heat, and sometimes they use acetones and high pressure, so when they are put out to the public they are already oxidized and become rancid, so they have to be degummed, bleached and deodorized. Above all
  • soybeans, canola and corn.
  • Food fried in seed oil:
  • Dangerous and tasteless oils that are reused over and over again, becoming increasingly rancid and causing oxidative stress.
  • Margarine:
  • Since it is made from seed oil and is hydrogenated and very harmful, it becomes TRANS fat, it alters the action of the mitochondria because they are poisoned by TRANS fats.
  • Donuts and churros
  • : Donuts in particular are a very harmful food as they contain starch, sugar, gluten, seed oil, chemicals, and flavorings.
  • Soft drinks and desserts, cookies.

Un programa para cada caso

Our system is very complete and specialized, and can provide therapy both in person and online.

We have gENiO SAPIENS, a powerful software that allows us to control the diet and weight of our patients, and provide personalized professional follow-up in each case.

With gENiO SAPIENS we can determine different nutritional values, food allergies, toxicity, hormonal and metabolic regulation, and we can even detect enzymatic or congenital problems that may be present at the time.

In addition, we combine this software with high-quality natural products, which not only allows for a quick recovery, but also our patients can quickly notice signs of well-being.


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