Transforming your health care
with the gENiO SAPIENS system
Producto recomendado por TBQ para protegerse de la radiación y contaminación electromagnética.
What are perverse energies and how do they affect us?
Anything made up of atoms will therefore have a CEm.
The term "evil energies" or "electrosmog" refers to electromagnetic fields that can have a negative impact on our health. From an energetic point of view, all matter possesses an electromagnetic field due to the electric charge generated by electrons constantly moving around the nuclei of atoms. These electromagnetic fields add up in large quantities in every cell of the human body, which some describe as an aura. In short, anything composed of atoms has its own electromagnetic field (EMF).
Nuestro cerebro desempeña un papel crucial como emisor y receptor de frecuencias. No solo procesa la información del entorno a través de nuestros sentidos, sino que también puede captar información externa como si fuera una estación de radio, especialmente de aquellos que están en sintonía con nosotros, como amigos o familiares. Los cerebros están constantemente emitiendo y recibiendo señales.. Estas experiencias, a menudo pasan desapercibidas pero la señal llega a la otra persona independientemente del tiempo y la distancia.
Unintentionally caused They arise from our own way of thinking or relating to toxic people who emit a negative electromagnetic charge. Their thoughts and attitudes can affect the electromagnetic field and disturb it.
Provoked deliberately,They vary in intensity from dark thoughts to verbal actions such as insults or curses. These actions can cause serious disturbances and even illness, known in some places as the "evil eye."
¿Cómo saber si tenemos un disturbio en el CEm con la TBQ?
Hay algunas pistas que pueden ayudar a detectarlo, recomiendo, no obstante, que no se obsesione, y vea con mucho criterio y lógica lo que voy a describir a continuación. Si usted presenta varios de estos puntos y se van repitiendo en el tiempo, puede usted puede tener un disturbio en el CEm.
Posibles pistas:
Todos estos signos pueden parecer aleatorios o no tener significado para usted, pero es importante que determine la naturaleza de su DEC disturbio electromagnético. El más difícil de diagnosticar son las geopatías porque no hay aparentemente nada que le perjudique sin embargo aparecen muchos de los signos anteriores.
A life with healthy habits and good nutrition are essential to strengthen the immune system and protect against perverse energies. In TBQ gENiO SAPIENS therapy, the resistance of the immune system is considered crucial.
When the immune system is weakened, the electromagnetic field (EMF) or aura is also weakened, leaving the person emotionally exposed and vulnerable to these negative energies. Good nutrition is essential, as normal levels of iron, hemoglobin and other nutrients can help prevent exposure to harmful frequencies.
On the contrary, anemia and deficiencies of nutrients such as magnesium, selenium and lithium can increase vulnerability to these negative energies, causing fear and even paranoia. Therefore, fear can have different causes, either due to internal problems of the body or due to external disturbances such as bad mental habits or deliberate negative energies.
Stay away from these types of relationships, these people tend to vent and alter the EMF of other people. They are carriers of diseases because they weaken the immune system and exhaust the adrenals, and you run the risk of becoming infected with their way of thinking.
Puede poner protectores especiales debajo de la cama, o hacerse un cojincillo con protectores para que reconduzca la energía estática y eléctrica del cuerpo.
Since it greatly alters the CEm of food, the induction stove also does so, but much less.
From time to time, discharge static electricity from your body by touching walls and, if possible, touching a tree. You can also discharge static electricity when you walk on the sand at the beach or step on the grass with bare feet. This is a simple way to ground static electricity.
Con la terapia de TBQ Biorresonancia Quántica se puede equilibrar y liberar al cuerpo de energías perversas, sin embargo, es importante llevar a cabo las medidas anteriores para evitar las recaídas.