Transforming your health care
with the gENiO SAPIENS system
Hello everyone, once again I am bringing you information about rejuvenation, so that we can provide you with information that may be useful to you and help you improve your health and well-being.
Today I'm going to talk about telomeres.
If you haven't heard of these, you'll see that it's a very important and interesting topic, as it has a lot to do with our lifestyle and, ultimately, with our life.
To talk about this, I will provide a few basic guidelines to help us understand what it is, what it does, and how it works.
Telomeres have to do with our DNA, we have constantly heard about genes, genetics, inheritance of DNA from our parents, etc.
It is important to understand how this works and how it relates to our way of life.
So we're going to take a trip into the tiny world of our cells. Inside them is the nucleus.
This nucleus contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, or 46 in total, of which only the 23rd pair is different between men and women.
A chromosome is made up of DNA tightly wound many times around proteins called histones, which support the structure.
If we look at what this DNA structure is made of, we would see a double helix.
Well, at each of the 4 ends of these chromosomes are what we know as telomeres.
These telomeres are non-coding DNA regions, meaning they do not provide instructions for producing proteins. Some genes can produce different types of RNA. Telomeres are highly repetitive and their main function is to provide stability to the structure of chromosomes, division and lifespan of the cell.
Here they are also involved in such important diseases as cancer.
The DNA in our genes uses messenger RNA to instruct the cell to carry out its functions.
DNA also receives epigenetic information, that is, information from our way of life, which modifies the DNA instructions for the cell.
Having clarified all this, especially the latter, we can know that a healthy life will improve our cellular function and this is very important in our rejuvenation program, because when the telomeres are very small they can no longer protect the DNA, so the cells stop reproducing or reach a state of old age.
When all telomeres are used up, they can no longer protect the cell, so they die, and if our cells die, then we stop living.
What are the causes that can shorten the life of telomeres?
Numerous studies show that shorter telomeres are associated with chronic diseases, addictions, poisoning, and anxiety or oxidative stress.
Can more telomeres be produced?
Apparently, the quality of these can be improved by changing lifestyle and providing high-quality nutrients containing, above all, Mg, Zinc, apparently can influence the activity of telomerase. Folate and B12 are essential for repairing telomeres. Lycopene, polyphenols, beta-carotene, blueberries, vitamin C, antioxidants, vitamin E and Omega 3
According to The Lancet Oncology, taking care of our telomeres requires positive lifestyle changes, such as improving our diet, practicing moderate exercise and reducing our stress levels. This can lengthen telomeres and prevent aging at the cellular level.
Stress and telomeres.
But all of the above is unnecessary if we do not control stress. To understand this, first of all, stress must be properly determined, since there is a semantic problem: In general, there are three types of stress: Stress is normal, necessary to carry out our activities in a functional way, Eustress is the stress we produce when we are laughing and happy. Distress, which is the stress that causes us fear, worry, anguish, anger, pain, depression and dark mood swings.
So when we live under pressure, problems and we do not achieve the resilience to overcome them, what we achieve is, among other things, cutting our telomeres.
To understand how this happens, I'll give you a simple example: a ball of thread, if we pull the thread until it runs out, the thread runs out, and so do the telomeres, and if that happens, life ends.
Options to improve telomeres.
As this is an important topic, with the gENiO SAPIENS therapy we have a genetics program that helps us determine the condition of the telomeres and can perform a therapy to improve them. Obviously, it is part of the treatment that we include in the Bioresonance therapy for rejuvenation.
I hope this short but very important video helps you understand why a change in habits is important.
Thank you very much, until next time.