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with the gENiO SAPIENS system
As I have been investigating, I am becoming more surprised.
Mi pregunta más allá de si podía manipular naturalmente los cultivos y obtener mejores cosechas, más saludables y con mejor color y sabor, sucedió por el hecho de saber hasta donde las frecuencias de información podían influir en las plantas en sí.
Si cada frecuencia es capaz de ser codificada para provocar una respuesta física o emocional en una persona, ¿Podría esta misma crear una tipo de respuesta en la planta?
Esta pregunta nace en base a saber si las plantas sienten, se emocionan, si tienen inteligencia, memoria, neuronas y si son capaces de establecer un tipo de comunicación con nosotros.
Beyond any doubt, it is now known that plants have, within their biological reality, characteristics that make us see that they have a type of intelligence and consciousness adapted to their biological reality.
Plants have intelligenceia
They are intelligent organisms, but they move and make decisions over a longer period of time than humans.
Stefano Mancuso.
They recognize kinship
They have families and relatives, and they recognize their closeness. They behave completely differently if they have relatives or strangers around them. If they are relatives, they do not compete and divide the territory equally through their roots.
Adults protect small plants
Plants require light to live, and for a seed to reach the light a long time must pass; in the meantime, they are nourished by trees of the same species.
They protect each other
Parental care only occurs in highly evolved animals and it is incredible that it occurs in plants.
They communicate
In a jungle, all plants communicate underground through their roots, and they also produce volatile molecules that warn distant plants about what is happening.
When a plant is attacked by a pathogen, it immediately produces volatile molecules that can travel kilometers and alert all the others to prepare their defenses.
Their defenses
They produce chemical molecules that make them indigestible and can be very aggressive. Ten years ago, 200,000 antelopes were introduced into a park in Botswana, and they began to eat the acacia trees intensively. After a few weeks, many of them died and after six months, more than 10,000 died, and they did not know why. Today we know that it was the plants.
Its Mechanism
Yes, the plants increased the concentration of tannins in their leaves to such an extent that they became poisonous.
Do you have empathy with other beings?
It's hard to say, but one thing is certain: plants can manipulate animals. During pollination, they produce nectar and other substances that attract insects, which are tricked into coming to them. And some say that even humans are manipulated by plants.
Do plants use us?
All drugs that man uses like coffee, tobacco, opium, marijuana and more. are derived from plants, plants produce a substance that makes humans dependent because that is how we propagate them. Plants use man as a transport and there is research on it.either.
Do plants have neurons?
At each root tip there are cells similar to our neurons and their function is the same: to communicate signals through electrical impulses, just like our brain. In plants there can be millions of root tips, each one with a small community of cells: and they work like the internet.
Si todo lo demás es verdad, tal y como lo demuestran diferentes estudios científicos, podemos entonces establecer un tipo de comunicación emocional que la planta es capaz de reconocer.
Por. lo tanto, las frecuencias matemáticas sacadas de códigos de frecuencia pueden ser detectadas y entendidas y de la misma forma podemos establecer un tipo de comunicación.
Algunos estudios realizados de comunicación a través de las frecuencias de información: