Transformando el cuidado de tu salud
con el sistema gENiO SAPIENS 2025
Nuestros asistentes con IA te despejarán de dudas
To start the rejuvenation process, the first step is to cleanse the body of toxins
These accumulate gradually and usually go unnoticed until they affect our well-being.
Where do toxins come from? Toxins reach our bodies from multiple sources: air, water, medicines, cosmetics, food, kitchen utensils, furniture, clothing and bedding. In short, we are exposed to a "toxic life" in almost everything around us.
The impact of toxins on the body Our body has the ability to eliminate toxins, but due to the amount accumulated over time, the body needs additional support to get rid of them. These toxins generate free radicals, accelerate aging and affect our health significantly.
At the cellular level, toxins can disrupt internal balance, leading to responses such as adaptation, survival, or cell death. By interacting with DNA, these toxins can damage the genetic structure, and if this damage is not repaired, it can contribute to the development of serious diseases, including cancer. In addition, toxins affect calcium and oxygen within cells, vital elements for their proper functioning.
The body's toxin elimination system Our body has natural detoxification systems:
Extreme therapies for cases of high toxicity More intensive methods exist for severe cases of toxicity, but are only recommended in specific situations:
Preventive measures and daily care. The best way to manage exposure to toxins is through healthy habits: consuming quality water, choosing healthy foods and washing fruits and vegetables well. Although it is not possible to completely eliminate toxins, a preventive approach can reduce their impact on our body.
Detoxification as the basis for rejuvenation with Q-Vital Before starting any rejuvenation treatment with the Q-Vital program, it is essential to promote the elimination of toxins. This is achieved naturally through phytonutrients and the gENiO SAPIENS system, which not only eliminates chemical toxins, but also emotional and mental ones. This comprehensive approach helps to purify the body of toxins, addictions and habits that affect our vitality.
To facilitate the elimination of toxins, it is essential to drink enough water, making sure that it is of quality and well treated. This also applies to the water we use for showering, brushing our teeth, and cooking, thus preventing the accumulation of dangerous toxins in the body.
Another important aspect is to incorporate 16-hour intermittent fasting, which favors digestive function and reduces the accumulation of toxins. It is also essential to reduce chronic inflammation, which can affect sensitive organs such as the intestine, joints, spine, and thyroid. Limiting the consumption of flours, especially gluten, is a useful strategy to reduce this inflammation.
Before starting any rejuvenation treatment with the Q-Vital program, detoxification is promoted through the purification of toxins in a natural way. This is achieved through phytonutrients and the gENiO SAPIENS program, which not only eliminates chemical toxins, but also mental, emotional toxins and all kinds of disharmonies. This holistic approach helps the body identify and discard harmful toxins and elements that, in some cases, the body has come to "accept" as necessary, such as certain addictions (e.g., refined sugar or tobacco).
These steps are essential to prepare the body and begin a rejuvenation process with a healthy foundation. By helping the body eliminate toxins and reduce the toxic load, we achieve a better balance that contributes to a fuller, more vital and healthy life.
Dr. Eduardo González Coeto.
Reserva en CelluMed y recibe una terapìa de Bidescodificación usa el
con el código: TBQ1