TBQ Biorresonancia para la Vida

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con el sistema gENiO SAPIENS

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Attention and intention in rejuvenation

Eduardo González Coeto • jun 18, 2024

"Rejuvenate from Mentality: The Power of Attention and Intention"

Have you noticed how some people seem to defy the passage of time? They live with a vitality and energy that defies their chronological years. Your secret? It is not just a matter of genes, but of attitude and mental approach.

It's true that aging is a natural process, but what about those who defy expectations and live life with the same passion and vitality as when they were younger?

Does that mean they live in a different paradigm?

Don't they follow the evolutionary rules that they impose on us?

The Power of Attitude:

Your chronological age does not define your quality of life. The real difference lies in the attitude you adopt towards aging and life in general. It's time to change your perspective and start living with renewed energy and vitality no matter how old you are!

There are countless cases in which 70-year-old people live a life as if they were 40 and it has nothing to do with chronological age, but with their attitude towards life.

Focus your Intention:

It all starts in the mind. It is time to pay attention and focus our intention on what we want to achieve. Visualize the most vibrant, youthful version of yourself and teach your mind to work toward that goal.

Set a calendar to improve your health, it is essential no matter what your age, however, it is evident that the older you are, the more time and effort you will require, however you will obtain results.

Tools for Rejuvenation:

Now that you've set your intention, it's time to give your body the right tools. Learn to communicate with your body effectively and give it what it needs to thrive. Apply physical actions such as sports, nutrition, recreation and, above all, laughter so that your body works in synchronization with what you want.

The Art of Transformation

Imagine Michelangelo sculpting a masterpiece. Before touching the marble, he already has a clear vision in his mind of what he wants to create. Likewise, we can sculpt our lives into a younger, more vibrant version, it just requires focus and determination..

It's easy to say, but for Michelangelo to make a work of art, he required great concentration and visualization so that the artist is clear about what he is going to do. He didn't say today I see it this way and tomorrow another way, imagine how many marbles they would have to bring if he changed his mind every moment.

 The advantage is that our body has a moldable plasticity and if we set our minds to it we can make a whole work of art with ourselves. The disadvantage is that if we are careless we will lose the configuration obtained. So we have to be attentive and focused so as not to lose it when we have achieved it.

More than Superficiality:

Rejuvenating is not just about improving our external appearance, it is a journey towards self-knowledge and personal transformation. It is challenging pre-established structures and living life at our own pace, with passion and vitality.

It is a rebellion, because it is breaking with those imposed structures that tell us that we must grow old and that we will end up in decrepitude because that is what governs time.

This is for daring people who are not satisfied with accepting the beliefs of people who, with a certain authority, did not try to change their rigid theories and believe that the rest of us should continue along the same path.

The Journey of Rejuvenation:

I invite you to begin this journey towards rejuvenation, a journey that goes beyond the limits imposed by society. It's time to rediscover your potential and live a full and energetic life!

If you want support on this journey, do not hesitate to contact me. Together, we can create a younger, more vibrant future.

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