Transforming your health care
with the gENiO SAPIENS system
All hormones in our body have a function and must then be eliminated from it, otherwise their accumulation can cause different health problems.
Teenage girls begin their first period around the age of 12 to 14. Although there is no exact age, the accepted age is between 11 and 15. However, it is very important to know when the period started and if they had any discomfort, especially because it will give us clues as to whether hormonal problems arise in adulthood.
Since early or late menstruation may be a symptom of an excess of a type of estrogen, which is responsible for various disorders that occur with age.
The Estrogens are metabolized primarily in the liver and gastrointestinal tract , so a fatty liver It will be difficult to eliminate and synthesize estrogens. The levels of these can be measured in blood, cervical mucus, saliva, follicular and peritoneal fluid.
There is two groups of estrogen Yes, some are beneficial and others are not, and although they all have a function, they all must be broken down by the liver so that they do not cause problems.
Estrogens E1, E2, E3 are found naturally. E2 is found in greater amounts in women during their reproductive life . E1 is synthesized from testosterone. E3 is to a lesser extent.
When hormones have fulfilled their function, they must be transformed into other molecules such as intracellular enzymes. The optimal solution is that E1, E2 and E3 are transformed into estradiol and part of the estrone and move on to their forms methylated: 2-methoxyestrone and 2-methoxyestradiol The methylated form of these estrogens reduces blood clotting, therefore protecting the cardiovascular system, protecting neurons, increasing bone density, increasing muscle tone, and are essential for protecting against uterine prolapse after menopause and maintaining good sexuality.
When are you Methylated hormones fall into the blood, women lose bone density, fat accumulates in the buttocks, thighs and breasts. It is important to maintain these methylated forms at normal levels, as they help improve conditions such as breast fibroadenoma or uterine myoma.
On the contrary, if estrogens E1, E2, E3 They transform into E4 and E16 , become a risk because they are precancerous or protumoral, responsible for premenstrual syndrome and the accumulation of fat in the hips, thighs and buttocks. Proliferative estrogens cause a greater possibility of fibroadenomas or uterine fibroids.
On the other hand, aromatase, which is an enzyme that transforms testosterone into estrogen E1 Until now it was believed that by reducing testosterone, men lost sexual desire, but apparently this increases when testosterone is transformed into estrogen.
However, unmethylated estrogens lead to higher levels of a pro-inflammatory substance called
Pg E2
which causes: headaches, inflammation and chronic pain… and, in addition,
Pg E2
causes increased aromatase activity! So the more aromatase activity, the more estrogen we have… and the more estrogen, the more aromatase activity. We need to break out of this vicious cycle.
When aromatase is reduced and we lose weight, estrogen levels normalize, thus reducing the risk of suffering from pathologies associated with estrogen dominance. Therefore, we need to exercise regularly to avoid being overweight and thus facilitate hormonal health.
Aromatase is found especially in fat cells, also in the liver, skin, adrenal glands, brain, breasts, bones, ovaries, Leydig cells of the testes and in the placenta, but especially in fat cells.
Los niveles bajos de progesterona se encuentran en condiciones premenstruales, y es más común en la perimenopausia y menopausia, y esto se debe a hábitos, estilo de vida, medicamentos como anticonceptivos, dieta que incide en el aumento de estradiol por baja metilación. Así como niveles bajos de testosterona.
Lo que daña a los estrógenos, a la progesterona y a la testosterona:
Para mejorar la transformación de los Estrógenos 1, 2, 3 en sus formas metiladas.
Recomendar con frecuencia alimentos crucíferos (brócoli, coliflor o coles de Bruselas, incluso col rizada, rábano o rúcula) que contengan Di Indolyl Methane, en caso de alergia alimentaria a alguno de estos, un suplemento llamado DIM en cápsulas.
There are several factors that are causing testosterone to drop by 1% since the 1980s in both men and women.
This hormone is very important because its absence causes premature aging.
Its deficiency causes men to lack body hair and beards.
Loss of bone density and muscle mass in men and women, as well as insecurity and mistrust.
Normal testosterone levels cause the opposite of the above.
Testosterone begins to be produced in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland with the hormone LH, then the thyroid hormones-cortisol and testosterone.
LH or luteinizing hormone reaches the testicles and ovaries and promotes the production of testosterone and other hormones in women.
Therefore, when there is less testosterone, more LH is produced to promote more testosterone.
Hormone replacement, much less testosterone replacement, is not recommended, because the brain will recognize that there is enough testosterone and will produce less LH. If there is excess weight, aromatase will convert it to estrogen and more fat will accumulate in the legs, hips and thighs.
Factors that lead to low testosterone production.
1. Nutritional deficiency of:
a. Vitamins: D, E, A, B.
b. Minerals such as: Zinc, Mg, K, Ca.
c. Hill
2. Insomnia Poor quality sleep prevents proper testosterone production.
3. Xenobiotics or toxic contaminants such as: BPA, phthalates, benzophenones, oxybenzones, parabens. These in small quantities have powerful antiandrogenic effects, which reduce testosterone levels and decrease sperm in men and promote estrogen proliferation, which is very dangerous for men and women.
a. They are mainly found in sunscreens containing oxybenzone, sunglasses, footwear and sports equipment, and plastic packaging.
4. Anxiety increases very high levels of cortisol, which reduces testosterone.
• With 3000 units of vitamin D, it increases testosterone levels.
• Vitamin E increases FSH and LH, which promote testosterone and sperm production.
• Ca and Mg have a strong effect with testosterone
• Zinc prevents testosterone from converting to estrogen.
• The quality of good sleep increases the quality of testosterone and muscles.