"AI" TBQ Bioresonance for Life

Transforming your health care

with the gENiO SAPIENS system


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Sports training

Whether you are a beginner, a recreational athlete, or an elite athlete, it is essential to understand sport from multiple perspectives. It is not only about your skill level, but also your personal goals. Are you looking to lose weight, improve your fitness, tone your body, build muscle, or advance your professional sports career? Each of these goals requires a different approach and conditions, and all of these aspects must be considered, as well as your age.

When embarking on or following a sports plan, it is essential to take these factors into account to ensure that the expected results occur and more. Whether you are taking your first steps in sport or are looking to take your skills to the next level, every detail counts on this path to success and self-improvement.

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Potencia tu vida, mejora tu rendimiento.

For all beginners, for those who have never exercised, or for those who have let a lot of time pass since the last time, starting an exercise program can be a challenge, especially if you have over 50 years old or suffer from obesity However, I want you to know that No matter where you are now, every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goal.

It is crucial

Start slowly, with patience and respect for your body

. It's not a sprint, it's a

wellness trip

, and the goals must be achieved in

gradual way

to avoid any injury.

Remember, speed is not what matters, but rather consistency and progressive progress. The race is won slowly but surely.

The human body is incredibly adaptable, but also

It can resist drastic changes, which it may interpret as a threat. It may therefore sabotage any sudden change in physical activity and store more fat reserves, causing the opposite effect to the desired one.

That's why it's so important to start

in a smooth and progressive manner

, especially if you haven't exercised for a considerable time.

For people who are overweight or obese, it is

It is especially important to take care of your joints, particularly your knees and ankles,

since they are the ones that support a large part of the body's weight and are small structures, a gradual plan should therefore be considered to begin with, making sure to avoid any damage to these vital areas.

However, exercise is only one piece of the puzzle.

Proper hydration, a balanced diet and proper nutrition

are essential factors to achieve any wellness or fitness goal. And of course, it is essential to avoid any addictions, as these only generate more health problems.


The path to health and wellness is a personal journey

Every step you take is a victory. And every little victory brings you closer to your goal. So start today, start slow, and before you know it, you'll have come an incredibly long way.

Si eres un principiante y tienes más de 50 años, aquí tienes una guía a seguir. Comienza caminando 30 minutos el primer día y ve incrementando el tiempo en 5 minutos diarios hasta alcanzar 1 hora. Es esencial que siempre lleves contigo una botella de agua. Te recomendamos utilizar un recipiente libre de BPA para garantizar tu salud.

Una vez que hayas consolidado tus caminatas de una hora diaria durante una semana, estaremos listos para comenzar con un plan de ejercicios más estructurado. Recuerda, el progreso se construye paso a paso, y cada minuto adicional es una victoria en tu camino hacia un estilo de vida más saludable.

1 Meta bajar de peso

Si tu objetivo es perder peso, es esencial que comiences con una dieta balanceada. Te sugiero la dieta 50-50, siempre y cuando no tengas ninguna otra condición médica que requiera un régimen específico.

Si puedes inscribirte a un gimnasio, te recomendaría empezar con 30 minutos de cinta, elíptica o bicicleta a baja intensidad. Progresivamente, cada día incrementa un nivel para mejorar tu cardio.

Puedes iniciar un régimen de tonificación con pesos ligeros por 30 minutos. Haz los ejercicios lentos y controlados, con una ronda con diversas máquinas. Recuerda, el inicio puede ser modesto, pero con constancia, alcanzarás grandes logros.

2 Meta tonificación

Una vez que puedas caminar una hora diaria manteniendo o mejorando tu ritmo, puedes comenzar con la tonificación. Empieza todos los días con 30 minutos de cardio para calentamiento, seguidos de 30 minutos de tonificación. Si estás en el gimnasio, realiza una serie de ejercicios en máquinas cubriendo todas las áreas del cuerpo en los 30 minutos de tonificación. Al día siguiente, completa la serie, haciendo 12 repeticiones en cada máquina de forma suave y controlada para permitir que el músculo y el cerebro se acostumbren a la actividad.

3 Musculación

After a month of toning, you'll be ready to start weight training. If you're obese or overweight, keep up your cardio routine to improve your fitness. Start weight training gradually, increasing the weight and dividing the workouts by body parts. Increase your reps from 12 to 18 and gradually increase the weight and do the exercises faster to gain more strength.


Cabe destacar que estas recomendaciones están diseñadas específicamente para personas que no padecen condiciones médicas como hipertensión, diabetes, o cualquier otra que requiera el uso de medicación.

Si te encuentras en alguna de estas situaciones, o simplemente deseas saber cuáles son los nutrientes específicos que tu cuerpo necesita, te invitamos a programar una cita para una terapia de biorresonancia. Con esta evaluación, podremos proporcionarte las recomendaciones más adecuadas y beneficiosas para tu salud y bienestar.


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