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Problemas de Digestión

Problemas Intestinales

Los Problemas de la Digestión

Cada vez son más las personas que presentan problemas digestivos, por causas diversas y con síntomas cada vez más difíciles de diagnosticar.

 Lo que es verdad es que, entre la mala nutrición, la mala alimentación, la información sesgada, así como la gran cantidad de contaminantes en los alimentos, se ha provocado como resultado un grave problema digestivo entre la población, condición que poco a poco se va manifestando y cobrando un alto precio en la salud de todos.

Unos de los elementos que se han dañado por encima de todo son; La microbiota intestinal y la producción enzimática. 

Microbiota and enzymes are two fundamental factors in the digestive process, especially with age, as they play an important role in the digestion and use of food.

When we only focus on the content of food; fats, sugars, meat or vegetables, etc., and we leave aside the large amount of toxins found in all foods, we lose sight of a very important aspect to consider for our health, such as preservatives and above all where we buy the food we are going to consume.

To continue to believe that the entire food industry in general does its job honestly is naive, although it cannot be generalized to the entire industry. Even so, in these times, it seems that what concerns them most above health is economic profitability, leaving aside the well-being of their clients.
Intestinal problems caused by the toxins they contain include pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, antibiotics, hormones, preservatives, colorants, flavorings, etc. All of these affect the intestine in the long term, and in general, the rest of the functioning of our body.

Intestinal problems harm the proper functioning of our brain and our mood.

Some foods and their preservatives damage our thyroid, altering metabolism and energy in general.

Intestinal problems greatly contribute to allergies and autoimmune problems, including arthritis, osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal problems, etc.

Our gut is the blueprint for our health, so problems with premature aging and oxidation are partly due to poor gut health.

Where to tackle the problem?

It is evident from my own personal experience and that of my patients that when the intestine functions properly it is easier to resolve the rest of the physical and emotional problems.

Our body is like a perfect, precise machine that seeks to balance and maintain our functions, despite the aggression it may receive.

However, a loss of that balance greatly upsets us, especially if it becomes chronic.

In order to benefit from our food, we require enzymes that aid digestion.

The accumulation of food toxins that are added to other toxins found in both water and the environment impedes intestinal recovery, because all these contaminants accumulate inside us, turning us into walking garbage dumps.
Algunas enzimas se encuentran en los alimentos, otras las fabrica nuestro cuerpo, pero si de entrada, no tenemos dentro de nosotros una base enzimática adecuada, no podremos aprovechar los nutrientes que comemos y tampoco producir las enzimas que nuestro organismo requiere.
Cuando los alimentos pasan del estómago al intestino delgado y después al colon, tienen que se reducidos para que puedan pasar a través de la vellosidad intestinal, de no ser así, algunos de estos que son beneficiosos se pueden convertir en todo lo contrario causando una inflamación crónica y dañar a la microbiota intestinal, que se encuentra recubriendo esa vellosidad intestinal y es la encargada de filtrar la entrada de estos a la sangre.
Current intolerance problems occur, among other things, because there are no adequate enzymes to digest some foods.

Research into the development of new supplements is progressing slowly, compared to the problems that are occurring in our intestines on a daily basis. So the development of new products with valuable results is progressing very slowly as well.

So it's the dog chasing its own tail.

Si comprendemos cómo las enzimas intervienen en los diferentes procesos digestivos, que van desde la salivación hasta casi al final del colon, entenderemos lo importante de estas, sobre todo, en el tracto digestivo inicial, que va desde la boca al intestino delgado.
Por lo que es necesario encontrar un producto vegano, sin gluten, sin sal, sin huevo, sin derivados lácteos, sin colorantes, ni saborizantes artificiales, sin maíz, sin conservantes, sin azúcares y sin soja, con una alta concentración de enzimas y sobre todo diseñadas específicamente para determinados trastornos, ya que hay aproximadamente 75000 enzimas en nuestro organismo y cada una tiene un trabajo específico y muy selectivo.
We currently have specific enzyme supplements for those who are intolerant to dairy, gluten and phenols, some more to absorb daily nutrients and others associated with ATP to increase energy, especially for those people who have difficulty digesting food and suffer from frequent gastric reflux or heartburn.
Remember that treatment must be systemic and well-complemented, because intestinal problems are not resolved quickly; changes in diet and nutrient regulation, stress, as well as the elements that compose them, require time and patience.

Por lo que las enzimas naturales


The fact that our body does not produce enough enzymes is not considered a pathology, so SCIO QUANTUM does not currently identify this deficiency, nor the alteration of the microbiota. It does detect the problems derived from the absence of these, but the program to determine the lack of these elements does not yet exist.

Therefore, therapeutic work and experience are valuable in diagnosing and prescribing the appropriate treatment.

Request a consultation to accurately determine your problem.

Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez C.


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