"AI" TBQ Bioresonance for Life

Transforming your health care

with the gENiO SAPIENS system



Cellular deterioration in old age

If there is one more obvious sign of aging, it is none other than the skin.

However, the skin is one of the many tissues that deteriorate with the aging process.

In this way, muscles, bones, organs and the cells themselves are involved in oxidation caused by free radicals.

However, it is true that every so often there is apoptosis, or a natural cell replacement, because cells regenerate when their working time ends.

So why do new cells look aged?

Aging of the skin is the loss of flaccidity, due to a lack of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid.

El ADN de nuestras células no es más que información, una secuencia de instrucciones para que la célula funcione correctamente, sin embargo, cuando una célula muere por apoptosis (muerte natural por envejecimiento) hereda la información a la nueva célula, replicando las instrucciones, incluyendo el envejecimiento.

Among the orders to be inherited, there is one in particular that is programmed and that we mainly notice in the skin, a toxic protein called progerin. This substance is related to the wear and tear suffered by telomeres, that is, the fragments of DNA found at the ends of chromosomes. As telomeres wear down naturally and their length shortens as a result of cell division, more progerin is generated.

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Aspecto y envejecimiento

Some of the main characteristics that denote aging are, above all, the face and hands.

The face has different types of tissues that appear differently with age, for example wrinkles, and the tissue around the eyes.

The forehead and the rest of the face, as well as the nose, show different types of tissue, which is why different skin problems manifest themselves such as dark circles, wrinkles, drooping eyelids, skin blemishes, sagging skin that shows drooping cheekbones, thin lips and especially a double chin.

"Cellular deterioration"

Aging is a complex factor and its solution requires a system that covers many aspects at once.

Unfortunately, it is not enough to treat the external cellular aspects, such as skin tissue, to stop and reverse aging you must work from the inside out and from the outside in, to obtain a real and lasting effect.

¿Hay soluciones para rejuvenecer la piel?

Evidentemente, un cambio de actitud ayudaría a mejorar el desgaste físico, sin embargo, es necesario ayudar al organismo de forma sistemática, y el tratamiento con “gENiO SAPIENS Eternal” es una excelente opción ya que incluye un reemplazo hormonal no invasivo, a través de frecuencias biorresonantes de información.

Este programa incluye todo un protocolo para REJUVENECERSE con BIORESONANCIA, cosmética natural y complementos nutricionales de alta calidad, ejercicio adaptado a la edad y una alimentación personalizada.

Todo esto ayudará no solo a detener el envejecimiento, sino que podría rejuvenecer hasta 10 años.

Learn more about it

Learn more about other aging factors.

Aging is multifactorial and very important to treat since chronic and degenerative diseases are associated with old age and obesity.

I recommend that you learn more about the other factors that are involved in aging.

More aging factors
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