TBQ Biorresonancia para la Vida

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con el sistema gENiO SAPIENS

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Q-Vital High Frequency Quantum Bioresonance Devices with AI

Eduardo González Coeto • jul 11, 2024

I have been asked on numerous occasions how gENiO SAPIENS bioresonance therapy and Q-VITAL high frequency quantum devices with artificial intelligence (AI) can achieve the results they offer.

To know this, it is essential to understand, first of all, the concept of "time" in our body.

How long does the present last?

The famous phrase "being in the Here and Now" and the idea of ​​the "eternal present" from quantum physics invite us to reflect on the duration of the present. Have you ever wondered?

A complete present lasts just 150 milliseconds, less than a second.

Our mind processes about 6,200 thoughts a day, approximately 1.5 thoughts per second. Keeping an idea or intention in mind is therefore a challenge. This is where meditation and mindfulness practice are beneficial, allowing you to give your brain a break.

La The Synapse and DNA

When we have an idea or thought, two chemical reactions are triggered in our body. The first occurs in the synapses of our neurons, producing neurotransmitters, chemical substances capable of triggering emotions and physical stimuli.

The second reaction takes place in DNA. If the emotion is sufficiently shocking, repetitive, or generates a need for change, the DNA in our cells will produce a protein that will act as an order for our entire body.

 Have you realized how wonderful this is?

How can something as intangible as a discussion, a conversation or an extrasensory experience impact us deeply, causing the production of proteins that fix these reactions in our body?

How do we make it real, somehow?

Transforming Reality Through DNA

 If a situation is fixed in us as fear, sadness, depression, anger, poverty, destructive ideas or aging, it is possible to change them into the opposite. But to do this, we need something to be constantly present in our lives, allowing our neurons and DNA to transform old proteins into new ones, changing not only our mind but also our body.

The Power of High Frequency Quantum Bioresonance

That is the purpose we seek with Q-Vital high-frequency quantum bioresonance devices, such as pendants and cards, especially now that we can customize them with specific frequencies thanks to AI.

How Does This Q-Vital AI Technology Work?

  1. NFC (Near Field Communication) Antenna: The devices contain an NFC antenna that stores resonant codes and operates wirelessly.
  2. Sacred Geometry: We have seen that the specific geometric design structure of these devices acts as an amplifier of the encoded frequencies, significantly increasing the resonance by 1:2000 times.
  3. Specific Chromotherapy: By incorporating color it promotes a resonance in the part of the body in which well-being needs to be increased.
  4. Resonant Codes: Masaru Emoto codes, sacred codes and those of our gENiO SAPIENS system are included.
  5. Personalization with AI: By incorporating new technology with artificial intelligence (AI), we are able to personalize devices according to individual needs.

Thanks to the constant resonance, changes are caused in the neurons, the emotional state and in the DNA of our cells, generating, as we use them, a series of healthy changes in the people who use them.

Prevention and personalization

 It is beneficial that these devices are used for the person and the intended purpose to achieve the desired results, since each person is unique.

Remember that time will be your best ally and little by little you will begin to notice these changes!

Truly quantum devices are those that contain frequency codes or resonant information, helping to change epigenetic aspects of DNA to achieve protection and personal improvement.


"UNITS OF INFORMATION are what create Reality, NOT units of matter OR energy.""

Vlatko Vedral Professor of Quantum Physics at the University of Oxford.

Visit our pages to learn more about our devices in the form of cards and pendants:



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