TBQ Biorresonancia para la Vida

Transformando el cuidado de tu salud

con el sistema gENiO SAPIENS

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Quantum Bioresonance today

Eduardo González Coeto • sept 22, 2024

Bioresonance: Fundamentals and Applications

It is inherent to human beings to evolve, improve and resist change, but just as the Earth continues its course, rotating on its axis and around the sun, science cannot be confined by prejudices or limitations. We cannot rely solely on the evidence of a given moment, since everything is constantly changing. The very essence of science and consciousness is to advance and evolve.

Dr. Eduardo González Coeto.

Bioresonance: Fundamentals and Applications

Bioresonance is an alternative medicine technique based on the possibility of measuring and modifying electromagnetic frequencies generated by the human body, with the aim of supporting the diagnosis and treatment of various health conditions. This approach is based on the principle that each cell, tissue and organ emits specific frequencies, and that alterations in these can be associated with imbalances or pathologies.

Fundamental principles of bioresonance:

  1. Electromagnetic frequencies: Bioresonance postulates that the human body emits electromagnetic signals that can be captured and analyzed by specialized devices. It is proposed that diseases or dysfunctions manifest when the body's natural frequencies lose their balance or "tuning."
  2. Diagnosis: During a bioresonance session, a device capable of measuring the body's frequencies through an interface is used. According to its proponents, these measurements allow the detection of energetic imbalances or anomalies that could be linked to underlying health conditions.
  3. Treatment: Bioresonance treatment seeks to restore homeostasis and the body's ability to self-regulate. It is not presented as a healing technique in itself, but as a tool that promotes the body to relearn how to self-repair. By emitting electromagnetic frequency codes, it is intended to facilitate body balance, thus promoting improved health and general well-being.

Quantum therapy and the role of information:

It is important to note that bioresonance is considered a therapy, not a medical consultation. What links it to the concept of "quantum" is its focus on the information that the body emits and receives. In this context, it is argued that the body can interpret and react to the information contained in frequencies and vibration waves.

This quantum approach is related to current theories of physics, such as those proposed by renowned scientists such as Dr. Vlatko Vedral, professor of physics at the University of Oxford. Vedral argues that reality is not based solely on matter or energy, but is based on information. According to this view, the reality we experience is a construction that must be encoded in the brain, and therefore, the body may be able to process information through vibrational waves or frequencies. Bioresonance, in this line, would seek to restore the balance of the body by modifying electromagnetic frequencies so that they are consistent with the optimal well-being of the organism.


Complementary applications and therapeutic approach:

Although there is criticism of the lack of solid scientific studies supporting bioresonance, this technique is not proposed as a substitute for conventional medicine, but rather as a complementary approach. In some cases, it is used to support the diagnosis and treatment of difficult pathologies, promoting natural convalescence and enhancing traditional medical treatments.

Many therapists who practice bioresonance, including some physicians, do not recommend abandoning conventional medical treatments. On the contrary, they suggest that any changes in medication be supervised by the treating physician, who can adjust the therapy as necessary.


Scientific Considerations and Debate:

Although criticism of bioresonance for its lack of scientific support is common, it has been pointed out that historically many medical advances began without conclusive evidence and were only validated after long periods of experimentation. Research is still being conducted today, although often without the significant financial support that other fields of science receive.

The fact that bioresonance continues to be used by thousands of people, with many reporting improvements in their health, suggests that it may have therapeutic value. The safety of the technique lies in its non-invasive nature, and although it remains the subject of debate, it continues to proliferate in some medical and alternative settings.

gENiO SAPIENS: Una evolución avanzada de la biorresonancia


The gENiO SAPIENS system represents an evolution of the SCIO system developed by Bill Nelson. Released to the public by Francisco Martinez in 2012 with a more accessible interface and a Spanish version, gENiO SAPIENS has continued its constant growth and improvement, currently operating with around 245,000 encoded frequencies, more than 100 programs and nearly 300 complementary subroutines.

This system goes beyond traditional bioresonance, covering almost all areas of medicine, as well as alternative and psychological therapies. It is distinguished by its ability to address the individual in a comprehensive manner, considering not only the physical aspect, but also the mental, emotional, energetic and even spiritual. gENiO SAPIENS is governed by a holistic approach, avoiding reducing the person to a single aspect of their being, and instead, promotes a treatment that encompasses the totality of the human experience.

Unlike other systems that provide a single diagnosis, gENiO SAPIENS adapts to the constant evolution of the therapeutic process. As the therapy progresses, the system performs continuous assessments, reflecting the dynamic nature of the information the body processes and the responses it generates. This allows for a more precise approach that is tailored to the changes experienced by the patient.

The system supports a wide range of disciplines, including dentistry, providing physicians and therapists with an advanced tool to improve the health status of their patients. The key difference of gENiO SAPIENS lies in its ability to use intuitive artificial intelligence and cutting-edge computing advances, which increases its effectiveness and accuracy compared to other bioresonance systems.

Far from being just a frequency emitter or a limited diagnostic tool, gENiO SAPIENS combines these functions with a broader and more adaptable approach, contributing significantly to the overall well-being of patients.


Quantum Bioresonance Therapy (QBT), developed by Dr. Eduardo González Coeto, is based on an integrative approach in which the active participation of the patient is crucial. According to this therapeutic model, the success of the treatment depends 50% on the patient's commitment to rigorously follow the prescribed indications. The process includes the use of the gENiO SAPIENS bioresonance system, along with a combination of specific care, therapeutic and nutritional supplements, high-frequency quantum Q-Vital devices, and psychotherapy.

Integrative approach:

Dr. Gonzalez, with over 23 years of experience in the field of bioresonance, has identified that therapeutic success not only depends on a diet appropriate to individual needs, but is also increased when high-quality nutrients are incorporated. Patients who follow these guidelines tend to show faster recovery and significant improvement in both their physical and mental state.

Use of Q-Vital devices:

Q-Vital high-frequency quantum devices are an essential part of the treatment, as they allow therapeutic effects to be maintained between sessions. These devices help overcome the body's natural resistance to changes, acting in a similar way to medications that are administered over a long period to optimize the body's response. Being compatible and non-invasive, Q-Vital devices subtly but constantly support the restoration of the bioenergetic values ​​necessary for the patient's comprehensive recovery.

Psychotherapy as a Pillar of Treatment:

A distinctive aspect of Dr. Gonzalez's approach is the integration of psychotherapy within TBQ. As a Gestalt psychotherapist, he has observed that patients who incorporate psychological support into their treatment experience faster and more effective progress. Stress, known to be a serious health-impairing factor, is directly addressed through psychotherapy, significantly improving the body's ability to respond to physical and energy therapies.

Clinical Outcomes:

Patients who actively engage in this holistic approach, combining bioresonance with nutritional support, the use of quantum devices, and psychotherapy, tend to experience deeper and more sustainable improvements. This comprehensive approach seeks not only to treat symptoms, but to address the underlying causes at the physical, mental, and emotional levels, promoting full and lasting recovery.

TBQ and rejuvenation

After more than 15 years dedicated to the study of aging, Dr. Eduardo González Coeto observed that the aging process of the organism accelerates and favors cellular oxidation when negative emotional aspects predominate over time. In this sense, it was found that by improving stress levels and mood, people were able to recover a significant part of the physical functions that tend to deteriorate with age.

Based on this observation, Dr. González investigated the path of emotions from the moment they reach the brain as electromagnetic information. He analyzed how this information is processed in the neuronal network, is discriminated in neurons and causes the release of neurotransmitters associated with the stimuli received. These neurotransmitters stimulate the hypothalamus, which regulates the main hormones of metabolism, causing a cascade reaction that affects the pituitary and other glands, generating both an emotional and physical response.

Hormones and aging:

Dr. Gonzalez discovered a relationship between hormones and emotions, observing that although biologically hormones appear the same in all people, their quality varies significantly between young and older individuals. Based on this premise, he began experiments in which he used young donors to extract high-quality hormone samples, such as growth hormone. Using bioresonance, he applied these hormonal frequencies to older people, obtaining rapid and remarkable responses.

90% of the individuals who participated in the experiments experienced almost immediate physical and emotional improvements. However, when they stopped receiving the therapy, they gradually returned to their previous state. However, some patients who adopted healthy habits achieved a sustained improvement in their epigenome, which allowed them not only to slow down the aging process, but to reduce their biological age by up to 8 years.

Health levels:

Based on these experiences, Dr. Gonzalez designed a classification system with five health levels to determine the optimal conditions for bioresonance rejuvenation therapy. These levels allow identifying ideal candidates for treatment and guiding those who need to improve their health before undergoing it:

Level 0: People without obvious symptoms, but who do not take care of their health, do not perform physical activity, do not follow a balanced diet and have addictions.

  • Level -1: Individuals who get sick frequently, with mild but recurrent conditions, such as seasonal colds or allergies.
  • Level -2: Patients with chronic diseases that require constant medical treatments, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes or cancer.
  • Level +1: People who exercise, take care of their diet and maintain a stable emotional state, but follow the natural aging process.
  • Level +2: Candidates for rejuvenation. Individuals with good habits, who also incorporate regenerative medicine treatments, undergo periodic detoxification processes, take quality nutrients and take care of their skin and hydration.

In order to benefit from the rejuvenation treatment, it is essential that the patient is at Level +2. Those who are at lower levels must gradually progress in their health until they reach this level in order to experience a reduction of up to 8 years in their biological age.

gENiO SAPIENS remote bioresonance

Following the lockdown caused by the pandemic, the need to adapt bioresonance therapy for remote application became evident. Although the previous SCIO system already allowed this type of intervention, the technological and computer resources necessary to achieve optimal results were not available. However, Francisco Martínez, through hard work, managed to optimize and simplify the system, increasing its functions so that remote therapy offered results equivalent to those obtained in face-to-face sessions. Although the system continues to be perfected, the current results are satisfactory and meet expectations in each session.

The fundamental principle that allows this remote therapy is quantum entanglement, a phenomenon that establishes that two particles that have been part of the same system maintain an instant connection, regardless of the distance that separates them, affecting each other simultaneously. This phenomenon provides a solid theoretical basis for quantum bioresonance applied remotely.

In a remote bioresonance session using the gENiO SAPIENS system, as much information as possible is collected from the patient. From this data, the system creates a "digital clone" of the patient, generating a specific frequency that reflects their individual characteristics. The more information is obtained from the patient, the greater the accuracy and effectiveness of the therapy, working in a manner analogous to a reflection in a mirror. Since the information is not subject to physical limitations, it can travel instantly over great distances, allowing the therapy to be applied anywhere, without time or location restrictions.

It is important to note that the more complete and detailed the patient's information, the lower the electromagnetic interference, which favors the success of the therapy.

The experience with this type of treatment has been very positive, obtaining results that are, in most cases, equivalent to those achieved in face-to-face sessions. However, it is recognized that emotional interaction in face-to-face therapies provides added value, offering a richer and deeper experience for the patient.


Despite the notable advances that bioresonance has made, there is still much to research and discover about its effects on human health. It is not reasonable to think that this therapy, however sophisticated, can completely replace the therapist or substitute traditional medicine. Rather, bioresonance should be considered a complementary tool, which supports and enriches treatments, but without abandoning the need for human contact, so essential in the therapeutic relationship.

Technology, however advanced, cannot replace the value of empathy, active listening and deep understanding that a therapist offers. People not only require physical treatments, but also emotional and psychic support, something that machines, however efficient, cannot provide. However, a more holistic view of health—one that integrates the physical, mental, emotional and energetic aspects—will allow us to better understand not only patients, but also ourselves as therapists.

I hope that in the near future we will be able to overcome the barriers of skepticism and vested interests that often hinder the advancement of new approaches and systems, especially those that seek to improve people's health from a comprehensive perspective. It is essential that on this path we leave aside the egos of self-importance and particular interests that often hinder progress. Only with an open mind and a genuine commitment to the well-being of patients will we be able to advance in the implementation and improvement of therapies such as bioresonance.

The future of health can and should be a space for collaboration, where technological advances, conventional medicine and complementary therapies converge, working together for the same goal: the comprehensive well-being of people.

Dr. Eduardo González Coeto

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