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Rejuvenation with gENiO SAPIENS: The key is in cellular information

Eduardo González Coeto • oct 13, 2024

What is rejuvenation?

To understand this in depth, we must start from the foundation of our body: the cells. Just as the atom is the primordial particle of matter, our cells are the fundamental blocks of our organism, and their proper functioning is key to our vitality and youth.

Cells, throughout life, go through cycles of reproduction and death. This natural process allows old cells to be replaced by new cells, but there is one important detail: the "daughter" cells inherit the conditions of the "mother" cells, meaning that if the predecessor cells were damaged or aged, that information will also be inherited. Cell aging is therefore, in part, determined by the oxidative information accumulated over time.

However, not all is lost. This is where the gENiO SAPIENS method comes into play, which proposes a revolutionary approach to reversing cellular aging by reprogramming cellular information. While cell regeneration seeks to replace damaged cells, cellular rejuvenation aims to make aged cells function as if they were young again, restoring their vitality and optimizing their functioning.

Quantum Bioresonance: Repair at a Deep Level

Quantum bioresonance plays a crucial role in this rejuvenation process. This method is based on the principle that cells, due to factors such as toxicity, genetic mutations or bad habits, can lose essential information for their correct function. That is, the epigenome (the factors that influence the expression of our genes) of a person who leads a toxic life can alter the orders that DNA sends to cells, which in the long term generates accelerated aging and even diseases.

Through bioresonance, it is possible to recode the information that cells need to function properly. This process allows the body to use correct information to repair damaged tissues more efficiently. In other words, bioresonance acts as a kind of "upgrade" for cells, providing the necessary information so that they can rejuvenate and function optimally.

A clear example of this mechanism is how bioresonance helps the body eliminate toxins. When a toxic substance, such as tobacco toxins, has been accepted by the body as "part of it" and can no longer be eliminated, bioresonance can change the valence of this information. By altering its charge, the body recognizes it again as a foreign element and eliminates it, thus facilitating a detoxification process and, consequently, contributing to rejuvenation.

The connection between rejuvenation and bioresonance

Both cellular rejuvenation and quantum bioresonance are interconnected. Rejuvenation seeks to reverse the effects of time on our cells, while bioresonance provides the appropriate information to make this process possible. It is like adjusting a biological clock: by restoring the original information of the cells and allowing them to function optimally, the door is opened to a comprehensive renewal of the organism.

Imagine waking up every morning and seeing in the mirror a healthier, more vital and younger version of yourself. It is not just about a younger appearance, but about feeling that your body responds with greater energy, less pain, and more resilience. This is what the gENiO SAPIENS method proposes when integrated with the principles of quantum bioresonance: a scientific and holistic approach to recover vitality, optimize cell functioning and allow you to experience a rejuvenated life.

Por Eduardo González Coeto 13 oct, 2024
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