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The secret of water in rejuvenation

Eduardo González Coeto • jul 21, 2024

Impact of Water on the Skin: Hydration and Rejuvenation

Water is essential for life, it makes up 70% of our body. However, its quality and purity are frequently overlooked aspects, especially in relation to health and rejuvenation. Beyond simply being H2O, water contains fundamental secrets for our vitality and longevity.

The Hidden Reality of WaterA

Although tap water is considered safe under regulatory standards, it can contain contaminants that affect our long-term health, such as heavy metals (lead and mercury), pesticides, medications, and microplastics.
The Solution: Advanced Filtration and Hydrogenation.

Investing in professional filtration systems is key to removing these contaminants and transforming water into a resource for rejuvenation.

Benefits of Advanced Filtration

  1. Reduction of Oxidative Stress: The hydrogenation of water increases its antioxidant capacity, neutralizing free radicals and protecting cells from premature aging.
  2. Improved Physical Performance: Hydrogenated water improves sports performance by reducing muscle fatigue and accelerating recovery.
  3. Strengthening the Immune System: Protects cells from oxidative damage, strengthening the immune system.
  4. Skin Health: Hydrogenation Improves hydration and reduces inflammation, benefiting the health and vitality of the skin.
  5. Disease Prevention: Helps prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Impact of Water on Mental Health

Water is crucial for mental health. Adequate hydration maintains cognitive function, improves concentration and reduces stress. Hydrogen water can help prevent premature aging of neurons.

Importance of Alkaline Water

Alkaline water can balance the body's pH, counteracting metabolic acidity caused by poor diet, alcohol and tobacco. It has antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Effects of Water on Digestion

Water is essential for proper digestion. It facilitates the absorption of nutrients, keeps the gastrointestinal mucosa hydrated and prevents problems such as constipation, heartburn and intestinal inflammation.

Water and Radiant Skin

Adequate hydration maintains skin elasticity, prevents dryness and reduces wrinkles. Filtered water, free of contaminants, is especially beneficial for sensitive skin.

Innovative Filtration Technologies

Filtration technology has advanced, offering effective options for purifying water. Modern systems remove a wide range of contaminants and can hydrogenate water to provide additional antioxidant benefits.

Environmental Impact of Bottled Water Consumption

The massive consumption of bottled water contributes to plastic pollution. Opting for home filtration systems reduces the amount of single-use plastic, ensuring continuous access to high-quality water and economic savings.


Quality water is crucial for our health and rejuvenation. By removing contaminants and improving vital functions such as digestion and skin hydration, filtered and properly treated water protects our health in the short and long term. Adopting advanced filtration systems not only benefits our health, but also contributes to a more sustainable and conscious lifestyle.

Every glass of water we drink can be an informed decision toward comprehensive, lasting rejuvenation, making water a powerful ally on our journey toward renewed health, vitality, and beauty

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

If you have questions about the best filtration system you can get, I recommend that you contact us and I will give you the best options and help you find the best price.

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