TBQ Biorresonancia para la Vida

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con el sistema gENiO SAPIENS

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Can our emotions rejuvenate us or age us?

Eduardo González Coeto • jun 08, 2024


Today, we know a lot about the relationship between our emotions and the impact they have on our health and appearance. Toxic emotions can accelerate aging, while positive emotions can stop and even reverse it. In this article, we will explore how our emotions affect our well-being and how we can learn to manage them to promote healthy aging and rejuvenation.

Become aware of your emotions in the moment

The first step to managing your emotions effectively is to be aware of them in the moment you experience them. Ask yourself: How do I feel about this situation I just experienced? What does this thought do to me? This self-reflection will allow you to better identify and understand your emotions.

Name your emotions

Identifying and naming your emotions is a powerful tool. By doing so, you give your brain the ability to manage them properly. For example, you can say, "This thought makes me feel restless, sad, or happy and positive." Dig deeper into the source of your emotion to understand what triggered it and how you can address it.

Strategies to identify emotions:

  • Keep an emotional diary: Write down your emotions and situations that provoke them. This will help you identify patterns.
  • Practice mindfulness: Meditation and mindfulness can help you become more in tune with your emotions.

Share your thoughts

Don't keep your thoughts and emotions to yourself. Find someone you trust and share your experiences. Talking to someone you trust will help you resize your perception and face your emotions more effectively.

Benefits of sharing:

  • Stress relief: Expressing your emotions can reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Outside Perspective: Getting a second opinion can give you a new perspective on your problems.

Assertive communication and feedback

Effective communication is essential to manage your emotions. Be assertive when expressing your feelings and make sure you listen to the other person as well. A relationship based on open communication and reciprocity will strengthen your emotional intelligence and make you grow as a person.

Tips for effective communication:

  • Active listening: Pay full attention to the person you are talking to.
  • Empathy: Put yourself in the other person's shoes to understand their feelings and perspectives.
  • Gratitude: Express gratitude to those who listen to you and share with you.


Your emotions have a profound impact on your health and well-being. By being aware of your emotions, naming them, sharing your thoughts, and communicating effectively, you can manage your emotions in ways that promote rejuvenation and a healthier life. Emotional intelligence not only improves your quality of life, it can also help you maintain a youthful and vibrant appearance.

Let's get into action!

I invite you to put these tips into practice and observe how your emotions influence your daily well-being. What changes do you notice in your health and appearance as you better manage your emotions? Share your experiences in the comments or on our social networks.

Would you like to know more about this topic?

I invite you to watch our last talk on YouTube on June 6, 2024, you will surely discover many interesting things. It's a shame that it is in Spanish, you can put the translations on its YouTube. Follow this link and don't forget to give us a like 👍🏻, hit the bell 🔔 and subscribe to our channel. and SHARING IT will surely help more people improve their emotional life.  https://youtu.be/IkavNUJg94Q?si=x9rKgJeqrf7FYvnA

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