"AI" TBQ Bioresonance for Life

Transforming your health care

with the gENiO SAPIENS system

Biblioteca de Salud


Easy to understand topics about diseases and health


It involves learning, understanding and caring for the mind, body and emotions, seeking to continually improve in order to maintain optimal health in all aspects.


Articular and bone

Learn more about the importance of taking care of your joints and bones for an active and healthy life.

Digestión y alimentación

Discover how digestion and nutrition impact your well-being and quality of life.



Practice the power of emotional health and transform your overall well-being.



Discover the importance of something that cannot be seen but that covers more aspects than you think and that can affect your inner vitality.



Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la salud femenina. Empodérate para cuidarte mejor.



Learn about the importance of hormonal health and its impact on your overall well-being.

Life without


Cultiva una vida sin tóxicos y vive de forma más saludable y sostenible

"Health States vs Healthy State"

Living in different states of health does not always mean being healthy. It is important not to simplify health as just the absence of disease, as normalizing illness can be a mistake. Committing to a culture of health involves more than just avoiding illness; it is about maintaining physical, mental, emotional and energetic balance through healthy habits, knowledge and practices. Illness, healing and prevention are all important aspects, each with their own goals and methods. However, in these times we need to go further, the balance of these aspects is crucial for our future well-being.


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Omega 3

Problemas de digestión

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Problemas de digestión

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The sweetest drug

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Colesterol y grasas

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Colon diseases

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