TBQ Biorresonancia para la Vida

Transformando el cuidado de tu salud

con el sistema gENiO SAPIENS

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Why is it so difficult for us to change habits and take new actions?

Eduardo González Coeto • sept 20, 2024

Breaking these conditioning requires the brain, mind and body to work together.

Change implies a natural resistance at all levels of our being. If we are not aware of this, we will continue to automate functions that can be dangerous in the long term.

The human brain is designed, among many other functions, to protect us and keep us safe. This primitive and ancestral part, which helps us survive, has as its priority to preserve what it already knows and works. Thus, although we like to learn, our brain does not easily discriminate between what is beneficial or harmful. When we repeat an action, no matter how negative it is, the brain records it as a habit.

Changing deeply rooted habits is a challenge because they are recorded deep in our neuronal and cellular system. Many times, only a traumatic experience can force a radical change.

Our mind, which is in charge of programming and reprogramming the intellectual functions of our life, may be very clear about what we need to change. However, if there is strong resistance from the brain, the mind has to fight to implement these changes. This conflict is even more complex when the habit is associated with an addiction, where the effort to change is titanic.

In addition, our vision of reality is conditioned by learned beliefs and patterns. If we have been told that a certain way of life is the best, it is difficult to break away from these conditionings, because the brain will use fear to reinforce the status quo. This repetition of logical patterns can make us believe that everything must continue to operate under those same rules.

Breaking away from these conditionings requires the brain, mind and body to work together. When we talk about cellular memory, we are referring to DNA, which acts as a record of orders and programs that guide the response of our cells to various circumstances.

Changing involves a natural resistance at all levels of our being. If we do not become aware of this, we will continue to automate functions that in the long term can be dangerous.

A powerful tool to generate this change is the TBQ gENiO SAPIENS system, which helps to retrain and reeducate the key aspects of our life. With this approach, it is possible to overcome the barriers that our own brain and conditioning have imposed, and thus open ourselves to a new way of being.

Listening to the intelligence of the body to recognize the necessary change

Even though our brain and body operate under certain paradigms, it is essential to learn to listen to the signals that the body sends us. The body has its own intelligence, different from rational cognition, and often provides us with important clues that something is not right, even if our actions are automatic or deeply learned.

Over time, both the brain and the body change due to the natural wear and tear of our functions. This is part of a biological program that responds to the roles and paradigms imposed, especially in our modern life. However, the body begins to send signals—in the form of pain, symptoms and discomfort—indicating to us that something is not working properly and that a change is necessary.

Despite these warnings, we tend to ignore them, prioritizing other obligations. We are conditioned to postpone our health, inventing excuses to avoid facing the need to take care of ourselves. This tendency to put everything before our well-being reflects a lack of self-love and irresponsibility towards our own life.

Ignoring these signs is dangerous, not only because it affects our personal health, but also because the impact extends to our family environment. When we do not take care of ourselves, the outcomes affect all those who depend on us.

The TBQ gENiO SAPIENS proposal: taking care of our health in a comprehensive way

The TBQ gENiO SAPIENS approach is not limited to repairing physical or emotional damage, but rather puts the person at the centre, assessing their health at all levels. This system offers tools to take care of ourselves, monitor our functions and detect possible risks or imbalances in time. The key is to stop thinking that we are simple cogs in a larger system. Nothing is above our true health.

If you are one of those people who considers your health to be secondary to work, family or any other priority, you should reconsider your approach. It is very likely that something is beginning to develop in your body and mind that you do not yet perceive, but that will be more difficult to resolve in the future.

TBQ gENiO SAPIENS not only repairs; it acts preventively, helping to retrain the brain, reeducate emotions and balance the body, facilitating a comprehensive transformation. Taking care of our health begins with awareness and timely action. Don't put it off.

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